Teaching recommendations
Videos/teaching strategies
The following are some links to helpful videos and teaching strategies to help teach economics
Jadrian Wooten has an excellent library of different tools to help illustrate economic concepts
Dirk Mateer provides excellent tools and blog posts that are especially helpful for first-time teachers
Critical Commons is a depository of many videos from various disciplines. It has videos for many economic concepts
Many websites explain different economic concepts using clips from television shows
Seinfeld http://yadayadayadaecon.com/
Modern Family https://modernfamilyecon.com/
The Big Bang Theory https://www.bazinganomics.com/
The Economics of Parks and Recreation https://economicsofparksandrec.com/
Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics provides teaching strategies and many examples to economics instructors
Here is an activity I contributed to help explain cartel behavior
Marginal revolution provides great videos explaining various economics topics
Econ in the News by marginal revolution provides a weekly newsletter with the latest news stories with examples of economic concepts https://learn.mru.org/econ-news/
Book Recommendations
Here are some books I recommend for teaching assistance:
"Small Teaching" by James M. Lang
"What the Best College Teachers Do" by Ken Bain
"The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion" by Sarah Rose Cavanagh
"How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching" by Susan A. Ambrose, Marie K. Norman, Michele DiPietro, Michael W. Bridges, Marsha C. Lovett
"Outsmart Your Brain: Why Learning is Hard and How You Can Make it Easy" by Daniel T. Willingham